Dave's Coincidental Matching Service
Full time-back guarantee[1]: You WILL find Mr. Right within One Year!

That's right, ladies! A 100% guaranteed matching service! And not just any match, either. I guarantee that within a year, you'll be love! In a serious, committed, wonderful relationship with whoever your "Mr. Right" happens to be!

I have a perfect 100% matching history. EVERY woman I've EVER had more than a passing romantic interest in has been successfully matched with someone Absolutely Perfect for her. I'm so confident in this service, I will guarantee that within a year of my developing a romantic interest in you, you will find "Mr. Right" or you'll get the whole year back! I'm so confident in this service that I don't even need to figure out how to give such refunds!

This is a small operation, only capable of serving one customer at a time. Nevertheless, in seven years of operation, six lucky women have found the man of their dreams! Sign up now, and you could be next!

A brief summary of my matching history follows. Decide for yourself if these are the kind of results you want for yourself:

Allison - married to Scott1
Kate - engaged to Scott2
Amanda - recently engaged to Matt
Jennifer - engaged to Scott3, soon to be married
Kathy - in a steady relationship with Hank for a year and a half now
Heather - will soon be moving in with Hans

So, all of you "NiceGals" who can't seem to find Mr. Right, now you can find him the easy way! All you have to do is develop a close friendship with me and allow me to become romantically interested in you. Then before you know it, Mr. Right will show up to sweep you off your feet! And you even get to keep the friendship as a free gift!

You've got nothing to lose, and everything you've ever wanted to gain, so what are you waiting for? Act now, supplies are going fast!

from the mind of David Andrew Michael Noelle
Send comments to: <dave@straylight.org>
Last Modified: 12:17am, Tuesday, April 14, 1998